Vacuum (Measurement & Control)


Vaccum capacitive Vaccum capacitive Vaccum capacitive Vaccum capacitive

Vacuum is a pressure below 1013 mbar commonly expressed in Torr. It can be measured either directly (pressure as a Force/Area) or indirectly through gas properties like thermal conductivity, viscosity, or electron ionisation. The Brooks gauge uses the direct method through the deflection between a fixed electrode at absolute vacuum and an inconel diaphragm reflectting proportionaly the pressure variations.

Those gauges can be digital (without potmeters) very reliable, stable and repeatable. They can be non hetaed for standard applications or heated at 45°C, 100°C or 160°C to make sure that condensation is fully eliminated.

They are very performaning in corrosive gases with a life expectancy 3 times greater than normal gauges.

Technical bulletins

Manufacturer Brooks Instrument
Fluids Gases
Types Vacuum
Pressure range 0,1 Torr to 1000 Torr
Accuracy 0.15% of measuring point
Rangeability 4 decades
Options High temperature, gold membrane, VCR fitting...
Advantages Very accurate, corrosion resistance, digital, DeviceNet, RS485...
Connections NW/KF 16 or 25 or VCR 8 female


ZI Broteau Nord

Impasse Louis VERD

69540 IRIGNY


Phone : +33 (0)4 78 51 47 50

Fax : +33 (0)4 78 51 59 96

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